Hale, who had learned the approved view as an undergraduate, contradicted him.
赫尔在大学时代学过当时公认的看法, 因此提出驳斥.
互联网Democrats view as the kind of operative who would put a tarantula under an opponent's pillow.
互联网The pagoda came into view as we rounded the bend.
互联网This is my view as an outsider.
期刊摘选Some programming model characteristics have associated entities that you can view, as type libraries and metadata.
某些编程模型特征具有可以查看的关联实体, 如类型库和元数据.
互联网They just sponge from a source they view as an expert.
互联网It is on experience must have global view as far as possible.
互联网He caught the point of view as well as the intention of it.
辞典例句Author scenic view as a pattern, and its significance beyond those addressed by the scope.
作者认为风景作为一种样式, 其意义超出了上述所论述的范围.
互联网But, in my view, as the general trend indicates, this decision is irreversible.
但是, 据我看, 大势所趋, 这个案是翻不了的.
互联网Friend author wants to talk about peripheral view, as a way of everybody is referenced.
故笔者想谈一点肤浅看法, 以资大家参考.
互联网The farm popped into view as we turned the corner.
互联网Women cadres should have the world in view, as should women the rural areas.
妇女干部要看世界, 农村妇女也要看世界.
互联网A three - inch refractor will give an excellent view as well as showing Titan.
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